Sabtu, 13 Juli 2013

Endangered plants in Indonesia

Corpse flower (Amphophallus Becc titanum)

This is the largest flower in the world, through the flowers, smell the odor like the smell of carrion. This plant is a endemic to Sumatra island.

Raflesia flower (Refflesia amoldi)

The flower petals are a very large size and release odors such as the smell of carrion. Flower buds which have medicinal properties resulted in the passage of this flower is often looted. This plant is native habitat on the island of Sumatra especially in Bengkulu, Jambi, and south Sumatra.

Gaharu Wood (Aquilaria sp)

This wood has a distinctive fragrance that is also high value. This plant habitat is in the  forests of Borneo islands.

Red Meranti (Shoera sp)

This is a woody plant but lightweight and requires a very long time to grow. Red Meranti plants can absorb elemental carbon in the forest so stout plant used as industrial commodities.

Fragrant sandalwood (Satalum album)

This plant is used as fragrances and spices (incense or aromatherapy). High value causes the plant continues to be hunted and became endangered, sandalwood is found in East Nusa Tenggara.

Nepenthes (Nepnthes L.)

A unique plant that has pockets, this plant is very rare because it only grows in areas containing little nitrogen. Pitcher plants found in the forest at Tangkuban Perahu, West Java.

Endangered plants in Indonesia

Corpse flower (Amphophallus Becc titanum)

This is the largest flower in the world, through the flowers, smell the odor like the smell of carrion. This plant is a endemic to Sumatra island.

Raflesia flower (Refflesia amoldi)

The flower petals are a very large size and release odors such as the smell of carrion. Flower buds which have medicinal properties resulted in the passage of this flower is often looted. This plant is native habitat on the island of Sumatra especially in Bengkulu, Jambi, and south Sumatra.

Gaharu Wood (Aquilaria sp)

This wood has a distinctive fragrance that is also high value. This plant habitat is in the  forests of Borneo islands.

Red Meranti (Shoera sp)

This is a woody plant but lightweight and requires a very long time to grow. Red Meranti plants can absorb elemental carbon in the forest so stout plant used as industrial commodities.

Fragrant sandalwood (Satalum album)

This plant is used as fragrances and spices (incense or aromatherapy). High value causes the plant continues to be hunted and became endangered, sandalwood is found in East Nusa Tenggara.

Nepenthes (Nepnthes L.)

A unique plant that has pockets, this plant is very rare because it only grows in areas containing little nitrogen. Pitcher plants found in the forest at Tangkuban Perahu, West Java.
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Endangered plants in Indonesia

Corpse flower (Amphophallus Becc titanum)

This is the largest flower in the world, through the flowers, smell the odor like the smell of carrion. This plant is a endemic to Sumatra island.

Raflesia flower (Refflesia amoldi)

The flower petals are a very large size and release odors such as the smell of carrion. Flower buds which have medicinal properties resulted in the passage of this flower is often looted. This plant is native habitat on the island of Sumatra especially in Bengkulu, Jambi, and south Sumatra.

Gaharu Wood (Aquilaria sp)

This wood has a distinctive fragrance that is also high value. This plant habitat is in the  forests of Borneo islands.

Red Meranti (Shoera sp)

This is a woody plant but lightweight and requires a very long time to grow. Red Meranti plants can absorb elemental carbon in the forest so stout plant used as industrial commodities.

Fragrant sandalwood (Satalum album)

This plant is used as fragrances and spices (incense or aromatherapy). High value causes the plant continues to be hunted and became endangered, sandalwood is found in East Nusa Tenggara.

Nepenthes (Nepnthes L.)

A unique plant that has pockets, this plant is very rare because it only grows in areas containing little nitrogen. Pitcher plants found in the forest at Tangkuban Perahu, West Java.

Endangered plants in Indonesia

Corpse flower (Amphophallus Becc titanum)

This is the largest flower in the world, through the flowers, smell the odor like the smell of carrion. This plant is a endemic to Sumatra island.

Raflesia flower (Refflesia amoldi)

The flower petals are a very large size and release odors such as the smell of carrion. Flower buds which have medicinal properties resulted in the passage of this flower is often looted. This plant is native habitat on the island of Sumatra especially in Bengkulu, Jambi, and south Sumatra.

Gaharu Wood (Aquilaria sp)

This wood has a distinctive fragrance that is also high value. This plant habitat is in the  forests of Borneo islands.

Red Meranti (Shoera sp)

This is a woody plant but lightweight and requires a very long time to grow. Red Meranti plants can absorb elemental carbon in the forest so stout plant used as industrial commodities.

Fragrant sandalwood (Satalum album)

This plant is used as fragrances and spices (incense or aromatherapy). High value causes the plant continues to be hunted and became endangered, sandalwood is found in East Nusa Tenggara.

Nepenthes (Nepnthes L.)

A unique plant that has pockets, this plant is very rare because it only grows in areas containing little nitrogen. Pitcher plants found in the forest at Tangkuban Perahu, West Java.
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How to Solve Eating Difficulty in Children?

Eating difficulty is an issue that is so fundamental and often case to children. Sometimes, when a child is so difficult to chew food invited to make us frustrated. Since then, usually we will try a variety of ways like providing herbal appetite enhancers and hunting child's favorite foods every day. The matters the child eating disorder also intrigued our interest to make an article about tips to overcome the difficult child to eat. Here are the details.
Serve meals with small portions

Maybe the kid does not like the size of your portions that so reluctant to eat the food there. Many children are ilfeel after seeing a sizable portion. So, try to give a little so that they can eat faster and do not get bored in spend food.

Get together with family

Do not let children eat alone and we need to create an atmosphere of togetherness when the child was time to eat. For example, you and your husband are on the table then eat foods together. With the atmosphere of togetherness, then the child's appetite will occur slowly.

Provide healthy snacks

One of the things that concern by parents is the development of the child if he did not want to eat. Of course, when children are fussy eaters then its growth will be stunted and not as friends. One of the best ways to keep it is to try to give nutritional healthy snack. Give interesting snacks such as nuts, dried fruits, and nutritious bread.

Variety of food and a nice appearance

Perhaps, he needs a variety of foods that your appetite he has incurred. For example, you could give spinach on the first day, broccoli on the second day, and chicken-based dishes in the next day. Variety of foods is a very important thing to prevent children from boredom and the desire not to eat.

However, there is one more thing that could trigger a child's appetite, which is an interesting food dish. For example, you can cook carrots to form a star or a unique object. Children will be attracted by the shape and believed to increase appetite. Hopefully, some difficulty eating kids tips above can help you.

How to Solve Eating Difficulty in Children?

Eating difficulty is an issue that is so fundamental and often case to children. Sometimes, when a child is so difficult to chew food invited to make us frustrated. Since then, usually we will try a variety of ways like providing herbal appetite enhancers and hunting child's favorite foods every day. The matters the child eating disorder also intrigued our interest to make an article about tips to overcome the difficult child to eat. Here are the details.
Serve meals with small portions

Maybe the kid does not like the size of your portions that so reluctant to eat the food there. Many children are ilfeel after seeing a sizable portion. So, try to give a little so that they can eat faster and do not get bored in spend food.

Get together with family

Do not let children eat alone and we need to create an atmosphere of togetherness when the child was time to eat. For example, you and your husband are on the table then eat foods together. With the atmosphere of togetherness, then the child's appetite will occur slowly.

Provide healthy snacks

One of the things that concern by parents is the development of the child if he did not want to eat. Of course, when children are fussy eaters then its growth will be stunted and not as friends. One of the best ways to keep it is to try to give nutritional healthy snack. Give interesting snacks such as nuts, dried fruits, and nutritious bread.

Variety of food and a nice appearance

Perhaps, he needs a variety of foods that your appetite he has incurred. For example, you could give spinach on the first day, broccoli on the second day, and chicken-based dishes in the next day. Variety of foods is a very important thing to prevent children from boredom and the desire not to eat.

However, there is one more thing that could trigger a child's appetite, which is an interesting food dish. For example, you can cook carrots to form a star or a unique object. Children will be attracted by the shape and believed to increase appetite. Hopefully, some difficulty eating kids tips above can help you.
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